Monday Motivation

Well, hello Monday.  We meet again.

I think Jack understood the Illini loss even though he was asleep for the game.  His evening wake-ups were not cheerful.  Maybe it messed up his brackets?  Wisconsin’s loss messed with my final four picks.  Darn Badgers!  So when I was planning my Monday morning workout and saw “The Badger” I knew it was a good chance for redemption.

The Badger

3 Rounds for time:

30 65 lb squat clean

30 Pull-ups

Run 800m

This workout was modified due to Mr. Sleepy-pants. 3.25.13

I waited around for him to wake up to feed before heading out to the gym.  By the time I got to the gym I had enough time to do a bit of stretching, jump rope warm up and then performed as many reps of Badger as possible in 30 minutes.  I wish I could say that I can do an unassisted pull-up but these were all performed as jumping pull-ups.  And I was certainly not speedy on the squat cleans.  But I think I owned those 800’s. I made it through 2 complete rounds and 10 squat cleans before I had to head home.  My arms and legs have been getting progressively more tired throughout the day.

I hope your week is off to a great start!


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