Is Tuesday night too late for a weekend recap? Hopefully you won’t find the pictures too out of date. Our weekend started out great went downhill in a hurry and I am finally feeling like things are returning back to normal.
Jack and I started our 4 day weekend together with a trip to the zoo with our friends, Nina and Meyer.
(Isn’t Jack’s little safari hat adorable??)
And Meyer is such a happy guy! I almost don’t believe his mommy when she says nights are a little rough. 

And we met up (unpictured) with friends Emily and David for happy hour. Although Jack was a good sport I know our days of having (relatively) easy dinners out are numbered. Once he gets more mobile we will have to have some sitters for sure.
We had family workout time on Saturday and did lots of little home projects. And we played lots of games with Jack like how fast can Jack kick, peek-a-boo, and “this little piggy.” He was also much more interested in books this weekend and likes to help turn the pages, and likes trying to put the book in his mouth.
Sunday morning was a little rough with more wake-ups than usual, but seemed promising when Jack decided to sleep until 8am. He wasn’t super smiley but sometimes he is a little more reserved in the morning (like Matt). Thank goodness not everyone is smiling and talkative at 5am! Jack and I went to the grocery store and when he didn’t get even the littlest bit excited about our pineapple purchase I knew he was really off. Pineapples are really his thing, you see. He can turn his head exorcist-style to check ours out at home (slight exaggeration but you get the point). He had a slight fever and some coughing so we took him into the pediatrician. (How wonderful is it that we can get a last minute appointment on a Sunday afternoon?!) And she diagnosed him with his first ear infection. Matt and I felt so bad for the little guy. He never got to the point of screaming or lots of crying so I’m glad we didn’t wait out the weekend to go see his doctor. So the rest of Sunday and Monday involved lots and lots of cuddling. He didn’t want put down, and his doctor said to make sure to give lots of liquids, which is breastmilk at this stage of his life so he and I spent lots and lots of time together. I think we were both exhausted!
Monday afternoon Jack and I went for a run together and he seemed to really turn around. He gave his big smiles again and was excited to play with his toys in the afternoon. I think that run saved my sanity and got us both in better moods.
This weekend was not like Matt and my Memorial Day weekends of the past. No drinks at the pool, no long run at the park, but there was some good food.
Nutella Banana Bread – Gone at the end of the weekend. Very good! I’ll share the recipe soon.

Matt used my rice cooker to make wonderful cinnamon apple steel cut oats. Seriously one of the best breakfasts ever. He put everything in the rice cooker the night before and set the timer to be ready at 7am and we woke up to a wonderful smelling breakfast. 
I also used my crockpot to roast a small half turkey breast for turkey quesadillas and turkey sandwiches this week. Very easy – put the turkey breast (bone in) half in the crockpot and add enough water to cover the bottom of the pot. I seasoned the bird with lots of red pepper, black pepper, and some sea salt. Turn the crockpot on high for one hour and then on low for an additional 3 hours. Juicy, perfect turkey breast done! (adjust cooking times if you roast the whole breast)
And, of course, the salad jars for the week:
Layered, in this order starting from the bottom of the jar:
2 Tbsp Italian dressing
A handful of chopped bell peppers
*A new addition* chopped and roasted sweet potatoes (a great addition)
Spinach and romaine
Grated Swiss cheese
I taught a great spin class tonight and need to get myself to bed to get up for another great spin class early tomorrow morning. Hope your week is off to a great start! Any suggestions of something to use my crockpot for next week? I think crockpots are even better in the summer because you don’t have to heat up your whole kitchen to do some cooking.