Category Archives: Baby

It’s Madness!

We are pretty excited for March Madness around our house.  Matt and I are working on brainwashing encouraging the new little Illinois fan.  Go Illini!Go Illini

Notice Jack turning his head to watch the game.  I think we already have a basketball fan.  We were lucky enough to watch the Friday afternoon game with some college friends and their adorable kids who just moved to Kansas City from Atlanta.  Big change from the days in Orange Krush or from wild watches at Murphy’s but I love where life is going.

Illini Family

I taught two “later” spin classes over the weekend – 7am on Friday at 7:45am on Saturday at City Gym.  I love getting to start the day with a great group of people, and I appreciate not starting the day super early with the newest madness at our house.  Jack has his first tooth!  I was just sharing his 3 Month Update, so how does this little guy already have a tooth (bottom front)??  “What to Expect the First Year” says to expect the first tooth around the 7th month but that some early babies might get their little pearly whites as “early as two or three months .”

I guess this means we will start brushing his little teeth soon.  When do you start flossing a baby’s teeth?

Join me for a slight detour: committing to regularly flossing was one of the best New Year’s resolutions I have ever made.  I decided about three years ago that flossing was probably one of the easiest ways I could impact my health.  Small time investment for huge payoff.  Cavities are ugly and expensive!  Consider this your friendly reminder to get back into the routine if you aren’t.

Back to more madness after a cute baby picture:3.24.13

We got more snow this weekend!  Augh!  It was 80 last Friday and now we are back to shoveling snow.

My tournament picks are wounded but my winner pick is still in (Thanks, Dad!).  Who do you have winning the NCAA tourney this year?

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  Mine was full of friends and food.  Oh, yeah.  And this little guy.

St. Paddys

(Thanks for the cool shirt from Ireland, Auntie Tina!)







I like sitting down on Sundays to do some meal planning and workout planning for the weekend.  Today’s meal prep included making plenty of steel cut oats to reheat throughout the week, roasting beets and sweet potatoes to add to salads, and making a beef goulash for Matt’s lunches.  Doing some of this prep givse me a head start to making healthy options throughout the week.  (As an aside, steel cut oats are supposedly a great food for mama milk production so I have been trying to have oats for my daily breakfast.)

Planning my workouts on Sunday makes me think about getting a good variety of exercises and makes me more efficient throughout the week.  If you’re in the Kansas City area and planning your workouts for the week I’m subbing spin on Friday 7am and teaching my regular every other Saturday 7:45am spin class, both at City Gym. 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and that your week gets off to a great start.  If you’re looking for some early week inspiration I finally updated the “Favorites” tab with some of my favorite blogs and resources.  Enjoy!

3 Month Update

I know its cliché, but where has the time gone?  It’s hard to believe that three months ago we were first getting to know this little guy.

Jack Hospital

And here are Jack’s changes at each month.





3MnthDefinitely the same baby, but so much more expressive.  I don’t think there is anything better than the big smiles he loves to give me and Matt.  We are starting to get into a new rhythm with my return to work, but he seems to be happy (& exhausted) after his time at day care.   And I don’t want to jinx things but he slept 7 solid hours last night – a record for him!  Although I don’t think these long stretches of sleep will be consistent for awhile I’m so happy to know he is capable of it.  I took advantage of 6 of those hours which was the longest stretch of sleep I have had in three months.  (Well it wasn’t quite a solid 6 because I had to peak in his room to make sure he was still there!)  After that great night of sleep I had the best run I have had since Jack was born with my lovely runner girls.


We are starting to see more of Jack’s personality.  He loves “talking” to us, and the tone and inflection he uses crack me up!  He also loves music, and smiles and squeals when I sing to him.  It is wonderful to have such an interested audience!

He is really comfortable with tummy time and can roll himself from tummy to back.


You can see those little hands in his mouth in the two month picture.  Around that time he decided that his hands are the best toys ever.


As far as my personal updates three months into parenthood, I am surprised how normal being Jack’s mama feels.  If I’m being honest, I’ve never really been a “baby person.”  But I find my baby to be the most fascinating little person I’ve ever met!  (I might be a little biased.)  Jack brings me so much happiness.


Thanks for reading this proud mommy’s ramblings with a very photo heavy post!