Christmas (gifts) of the Past

Jack was born very close to Christmas and I was walking around in a fog of new mommy love and complete sleeplessness.  His second Christmas was celebrated after big changes of us moving, me finishing my first semester at Purdue, and on the heels of his first birthday.  We kept Christmas gifts pretty minimal that year, but he was absolutely thrilled with his Fisher Price lawn mower.  He pushed it all over for over for a good 8 months and it was a hit.


This year he is really getting into the Christmas spirit.  He LOVES Christmas music!  He has been fascinated with our Christmas tree, and gets very excited about Christmas lights.


Matt and I have been putting more thought into his gifts this year.  In thinking about a gift that would be meaningful to him I have been reflecting on my childhood Christmases.  I can clearly remember my favorite Christmas gift – my doll Martin.

Martin joined the Hathaway house around Christmas of 1988.  I remember coming down to the Christmas tree and seeing the doll in a carriage Santa had left for me…and thinking it was not a very pretty doll.  I was relatively unimpressed and moved on to other toys for most of the morning.  When I came back to the doll I decided to change “her” clothes (as all little girls enjoy doing) and was surprised to find that my baby was a boy!  (Anatomically correct doll for the win, Santa!)  After finding out that I had the unexpected, a little boy rather than the typical little girl doll, I adored my little baby boy.  He went on vacations with us, he got presents from Santa in following years, and my grade school friends definitely remember him.20141208_162133

Lucky for me, Martin still lives at my parents’ house and Mom was able to snap some pictures of him to send to me.  Do you think this little boy should come live at our house with Jack and Audrey?

Are you still rounding up gifts to share with your loved ones?  I’m partnering up with in The Good Stuff 2014 Holiday Sweepstakes.  Be sure to check it out!  They have gift guides including budget friendly gifts, gifts for enthusiasts and hostess gifts.  PLUS they have a chance to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards or a grand prize $500 Amazon gift card.  The sweepstakes will run from 12/8 to 12/25.  Good luck!




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