Monthly Archives: March 2018

Leo – 7 months

Busy month around here! Matt has had travel to Michigan for a good part of the last month, my dissertation deadline is getting closer, and Leo has been busy learning new tricks. The biggest new trick is sitting. He wasn’t doing much pushing up to sitting right at 7 months, but within the last week he has been pushing up to sitting and is doing really well staying stable.IMG_1629

Food is going ok. We really liked starting the other kids on baby oatmeal, but oats and cereals haven’t seemed to sit very well in Leo’s tummy. He loves other baby food (purees like peas, green beans, and squash) and has enjoyed eating some of our table food like sweet potatoes, avocados, and banana. His pincer grasp isn’t quite there, so he doesn’t feed himself much of anything yet. He still likes to nurse 6-7 times a day when we are together.

Sleep is still a bit unpredictable. If he is home, he takes three solid naps a day. He still wakes twice a night…on good nights. Ha!IMG_1686

Play has been really exciting in the last month. He LOVES all of his toys, especially his baby piano and any vehicles that make noises. And any of Jack and Audrey’s toys are great motivation for him to move quickly. Speaking of moving, he does a bit of crawling on hands and knees but mostly does an army crawl. We are in trouble when he gets really mobile!IMG_1634