Tag Archives: TRX

Snow Day

Didn’t you love getting a snow day when you were a kid?  I have three siblings so snow days around our house were never boring.   Getting extra play time together, tricking the older brother into playing Barbies or breaking out the full snow gear to play outside was a welcome break from sitting in a classroom.

Last week Kansas City was been hit pretty hard with snow, and most of the businesses were closed for a couple of days.  Matt worked from home for two days.  I am on my last (blissful!) day of maternity leave so getting to have Matt home with us was such a treat!  I loved getting to sneak extra smiles at my favorite guys.  But with so many places closed and roads not the best, all of my usual gym classes had been cancelled and gym hours were erratic.  Luckily, I have a TRX system and was able to get in a great Tabata workout from the comfort of my own home.

TRX is a suspension training system that was originally developed for Navy SEALs .  The TRX system is comprised of two cables that are anchored to a fixed point.   You use the two cables on your feet or hands to partially suspend your body and use your own body weight as resistance. It’s a great full body workout.

I decided to make this a Tabata workout, which means 8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.  So if you were to do a Tabata of pushups you would do 20 seconds of pushups, followed by 10 seconds of rest and you would repeat this sequence 7 more times for a total of 8 sets.  It is deceptively difficult.  By the end of the last set I am usually shaking.  This is the TRX Tabata workout from last Tuesday:


  • Jumping Jacks
  • TRX Squats
  • TRX Push-ups
  • TRX Rows
  • Step back lunges, alternating legs
  • TRX bicep curl, alternating with TRX Triceps extension
  • Planks

Very basic but full body workout complete in about 30 minutes.   I downloaded a nice Tabata timer on my iPhone so that I don’t even have to think about the 20 second intervals.  I just hear a nice beep! when it is time to pause.

So, friends, what is your go to exercise when you can’t get out of the house?