Category Archives: Baby

12 Month Update

It is almost the end of 2013 and I am finally getting around to writing a 12-month update for Jack.  I just noticed I missed an 11-month update.  C’est la vie! Luckily, we had a trips to Kansas City, Effingham, and Rossville in the last few weeks so lots of people were able to see the updates in person. 1 year portrait (3)

Height and weight:  Over 24 lbs and 31.5 inches (88% for weight and 94% for height!  He jumped on both growth curves this appointment!)  He has come along way from the little peanut he was the first couple of months.Jack1

Food:  Jack is a voracious eater!  There are very few things he won’t eat, but his favorites are avocados, bananas, raspberries, clementine oranges, broccoli, string cheese, cottage cheese, peas, oatmeal, salmon and most fish, bbq sauce (Baby was born in Kansas City.  What else can I say?) Jack2

Teeth:  8 baby teeth, and two molars just popped up after Christmas, explaining the drooling and clinginess.

Party tricks:  Signing “hungry,” “more” and “music.”  Clapping, waving, blowing kisses, spinning in circles and dancing to music, singing into the tuberware, peek-a-boo.  Pointing to dada’s nose. Jack3

Words:  dada, momma, woof woof, and that are the only ones that he say consistently with meaning. Jack4

Likes:  Turning on electronics, cell phones, music (especially toddler radio on Pandora), reading books and turning the pages, anything outside (snow was a hit!), bathtime, running in circles around the kitchen, being chased, the park, the kites hanging from his bedroom ceiling, brushing his teeth (but having him drop his toothbrush is difficult), food time, wrestling and playing around, throwing balls.

Dislikes:  diaper changes, getting separated from mama, going down for naps, waiting for food, carrots.Jack5

In addition to finals and lots of travel, we also had a couple of rounds of stomach bugs at our house.  Poor Jack hasn’t even had a first birthday party OR birthday cake yet! I’m sure we will catch up on celebrating in 2014…and I’ll try to post an adorable video of Jack dancing soon!

Happy New Year!  Thanks for reading along over the past year with us.

Two Things Tuesday

Are you an “It’s already Tuesday?” kind of person or an “It’s only Tuesday!” kind of person?  I think Tuesday is the most deceptive day of the week.  I am usually in the camp of Its only Tuesday, but I’ll tell myself that is because so much gets accomplished on Monday. (wink, wink)

Without further ado, here is this week’s Two Things Tuesday:

1.  Today I woke up wondering how I was still sore from a Sunday workout.  I was sick at the start of the weekend and didn’t get a Friday or Saturday sweatfest as a result.  So Sunday I made sure to get a great total body workout.  AND I committed to ensuring good form, which really contributed to the burn.  So when you do this workout, make sure you work on getting your chest low in your pushups and breaking parallel with your squats.  I got a quick mile run in then modified a Crossfit benchmark WOD, Barbara. 
2.  I am loving that holidays are so much more fun with a little one.  Check out my little monkey this Halloween.  We went to my parents’ and visited with our trick-or-treater.  Already planning next year’s costume….IMG_2930

IMG_29312 (and a half).  We got family time with Matt’s side on Sunday.  Jack wants Auntie Tina to stay home from Italy longer.  Such a cute family, if I do say so myself!IMG_2974

Quick question:  what was the best Halloween costume you saw this year?

10 Month Update

We’re in the double digits, folks!  Jack celebrated his 10-month birthday with his first train ride, his first time in Chicago, and his first time marathon spectating. IMG_2797

He is such a funny little person.  I seriously have a blast playing with him and watching him play.  In the last month he has started loving big pictures books.  When I ask him if he wants a book, he whips his head around to where his books are and gets excited.  He has favorites and has his preferred reading style.  The first look (of the day) through a book is a quick pass-through, the second time involves touching and the third time gets more attention with lots of touching and pointing and the occasional licking. IMG_2730

Jack’s stepping/walking is coming along, and he takes a max of about 14 steps on his own, but loves to cruise along the furniture.  My favorite part of this month?  He kisses!  Big, wet, open mouth kisses to mommy, daddy and his favorite stuffed animal, Monster.  He also wrestles with his stuffed animals and plays “basketball”…such a little bundle of energy.  IMG_2814IMG_2804IMG_2832He is still a great little eater, although he has slowed down some in the last couple of weeks. What a little turkey! IMG_2746Bath time is hilarious!  He understand “all done” and if he stands up in the tub we ask him if he’s all done and he sits down as quickly as he can.  He loves the bath!

Matt’s parents are coming to visit this weekend.  I’m looking forward to them seeing his dancing and clapping to music.  Even if your weekend is not full of dancing, I hope its filled with fun.  Have a great one!

9 Month Update

9 months!  Almost as long on the outside as on the inside.  I know I sound like a broken record but each new phase just keeps getting better.  Jack is so action-packed.  He has to be on the go all the time, except for first thing in the morning.  He really likes to cuddle and wake up slowly.  And don’t try to rush him!  He’ll let you know he isn’t ready to get moving yet.  IMG_2673

He toddles around the house really well.  He still has his half human half monkey crawl but it is fast. He also scales the walls and cruises along the furniture.  He can hold his standing on his own for about half a minute and gets so excited that he claps.

He still loves baths and laughing.  He recently is really into books, especially the touch and feel kind.  He looks around for them at bedtime and loves to settle into one of our laps to follow along and help turn the pages.  He loves light switches and smiles at the Dr. Suess cover in his bedroom (thanks Aunt Tina!) as he turns it off and on…and off and on…Speaking of smiling he smiles and talks to the baby on the water jug, his Pixar bath toys from Uncle Mark, and some of his stuffed animals.  It just cracks me up.

The house is mostly baby-proofed.  Anything that isn’t really a toy like dirty shoes and door stops are especially appealing.IMG_2658

He must be in the middle of a growth spurt.  He fell asleep at dinner this week, which is not like our champion eater.  He is quite the eater and hasn’t met a vegetable he doesn’t like.  Fruit is still just so-so for him.  And cheese is the first food he reaches for on his tray.
IMG_2659And just for fun- quick look at 1 month compared to his current 9 months:1MnthIMG_2666We went for a hike/walk near the Celery Bogs on Cattail Trail with Jack yesterday, and a couple asked us how old Jack is before telling us their “baby” is 28.  Time is going fast, he is growing up, but this little guys will always be our baby.

8 Month Update

Wow! What a crazy month. Since the 7 Month Update, we sold and moved out of our house in Kansas City (more on that later), I finished work, and we moved to West Lafayette, Indiana. Lots of changes for this little guy in terms of his routine, but lots of good things too. He has already gotten lots of grandparents time with both sets of grandparents. He is such a lucky little boy to be loved so much.IMG_2437

Since the last Jack update he has been pulling up on everything. He loves to practice his standing and is a little daredevil. He tries standing with one hand and then no hands. So far, I have counted about 10 seconds of solid standing on his own time. Unfortunately this has meant lots of tumbles, and his first black eye at day care. He walks a little on his own while holding on to things.

Crawling is fine. He has some strange methods…almost like a monkey with one knee down and the other leg in a half walk…I’m not describing it well but it is funny. He can get to anything he really wants quickly with crawling (dirty shoes, bolts, jewelry) but is mostly interested in standing.

Food is going really well. Jack is a TANK! He is doing mostly purees with some self feeding. He loves orange food (sweet potatoes, squash and carrots), avocados, peas, broccoli, oatmeal and cheerios. Still not a big fruit guy.

He still loves songs and singing, seeing people laughing and making silly faces, playing peek-a-boo, and bath time. He is not a fan of having his diaper changed, clothes changed, or the end of a meal before he is ready. He is funny and sweet, and a little crazy at times. How did I ever get so lucky??IMG_2465IMG_2484IMG_2486

7 Month Update

Two days ago, on the 12th, Jack turned 7 months old.  In what feels like the blink of an eye he is now officially closer to the one year mark than he is a newborn.  Boy! Does it really feel like it this week.  In the past 5 or so days he has been breaking out all kinds of tricks including: waving to Matt before leaving to go on a stroller run, feeding himself a fourth of a banana, sitting up in his crib to wait for us to come get him, and half-way pulling himself to standing in a laundry basket.  He is getting much faster at the army crawling and is working on incorporating his knees.  He officially outgrew the laundry basket from the previous monthly photos, plus he doesn’t lay down very long these days.  He is BUSY!

IMG_2284He is such a funny and happy boy.  He babbles quite a bit now – sometimes very high pitched sounding and sometimes he sounds so much like a gremlin its frightening.  He has had two bottom teeth since just after he turned three months and now two top teeth have broken through.  He consistently goes to bed and down for naps while awake and usually pretty calm.  I love our bedtime routine of nursing or a bottle with lots of songs before Matt and I put him in bed, kiss him and tell him we love him and leave.  Watching Jack rub his head after we leave to finalize his own bedtime routine cracks me up.


Likes: Bath time, kisses, music and singing (Itsy Bitsy Spider can make any meltdown disappear), his highchair and eating (he had salmon for the first time last night and loved it), swimming pools

Dislikes:  Getting dressed, seeing Mommy or Daddy leave the room, waiting for his morning oatmeal IMG_2268Check him out standing up with his toy!  You’ll notice my hand in the background nervously waiting for him to fall.  He is amazingly strong!

I thought I would miss him being a “baby” but every month brings so many great new adventures.  So happy to have this little boy in my life!

A Matter of Perspective

The last couple of weeks have been more stressful than I would like to admit.  There have been a lot of great things like getting an offer on our house (yay!) but the impending move has me feeling anxious.  I know that this change is going to be a great one in the long run, but the uncertainty of leaving a place that has become so comfortable is making me crawl out of my skin.  And, when I am feeling overly anxious, I almost always choose this time to be unhappy with me – my body, my abilities, my relationships….and on and on in a horrible spiral.

Last Monday I started feeling these negative thoughts.  Matt and I took the rug rat for a run, and I was feeling slow and tired.  We got in a short 2 mile run before heading back home for dinner, bath time and the normal night with a baby.  When we were changing from the run, I put Jack on our bed.  I had a shiny bracelet at the other end of the bed that caught Jack’s attention.  I watched as his expression said, “I’m going to get that!”  He army crawled to the bracelet pretty slowly, and he was panting!  But he was so determined.  When he got to his prize he smiled and grabbed.  I let him have a few congratulatory seconds before stealing it back.  What a mood changer!

While Jack only moved about 2 feet, he gave it his all and accomplished something completely new.  I’m going to try to quit whining and just get out there and go for it.  Whether the “it” is getting in a slower 2 miler, or moving hundreds of miles away to get closer to achieving a dream.  I hope your week gets you closer to an accomplishment, big or small, too!  (Now trying to pack with a more mobile baby is another story…)IMG_2232


Because we have this going on:

IMG_2206Our routine has been a bit off.  Luckily that has meant extra pool time.IMG_2176IMG_2132IMG_2166IMG_2050Dining al fresco every chance we get:IMG_2030Playtime with friends in the park when we take advantage of being gone for open houses:IMG_2201

Neighborhood parties with our Swedish friends and their midsummer’s traditions (see the greens pole in the background of the cuddly baby):IMG_2119Easy dinners that involve very little cooking and very little clean up:IMG_2219Lots of running and walking family time when (again) we need to be out of the house:IMG_2214(This guy never complains about being outside!)IMG_2210

And keeping my sanity with friends who challenge me with hills sprints.  (Please note I did not see this smile on any of the sprints because I spent every one trying my hardest to catch this speedy woman).EmAnd not nearly enough coffee moments with friends (but I am going to change that with a run and coffee with friends tomorrow).
coffeeDoesn’t this cinnamon honey latte make you want to get out of bed in the morning?

6 Month Update

6 months ago we welcomed this little man into our lives. IMG_6717And in such a short amount of time he has made our lives so much more full.


(Matt with his new “Jack Pack”)

I think the biggest change this month is that Jack really feels like a kid now.  Whether it is how much older he looks in his clothes or how he “talks” to us like a kid, Matt and I look at each other and ask where our baby went.  And I have a feeling I am going to say this every month but this has been my favorite so far.  Jack is just so much fun that I can’t believe I got so lucky.

I don’t think I realized before becoming a parent how babies’ little personalities really appear early.  He certainly lets us know when he thinks we are funny.  He also is not hesitant to let us know what he doesn’t like.  Right now the big offenders on his list include:  diaper changes, putting on clothes, and having morning snuggle time cut short.

His likes this month include:  bath time (still loves kicking around), chewing on tags and his shirt, silly faces and funny voices, and  this toy from Grandma and Grandpa

IMG_1912Last week he and a little friend worked on passing a ball back and forth.  I love to see his interactions with other little people.  This weekend he cracked up as another friend’s dog kept running by him.  I think it melted Matt’s heart a little.  Maybe a dog (or two) will be in our future?

Sitting is going really well.  His only recognizable word right now is baa-baa (directed at nothing in particular), and he rolls all over the place.  He still only has the two bottom teeth.

We have our 6 month doctor appointment this week so we will get his height and weight stats then.  I feel like he had a big growth spurt in the last couple of weeks though, so I’m pretty interested to see where he falls.  We bought some baby cereals over the weekend and plan to start those soon.


Quick comparison of the past monthly shots:1Mnth2mnth3Mnth2IMG_1594IMG_1763I feel like Matt and I have changed a lot over 6 months too…probably in ways that are too deep for me to think about today.  But seeing how silly Matt has become (no one can make Jack laugh like Matt) makes me understand why so many friends said they fell even deeper in love with their husbands after children.

Thanks for sharing in the past half year.  I’m sure the next half year will be full of lots of adventures.


Boilermaker Baby


IMG_1934Daddy and Mama said I can officially announce that we are going to be Boilermakers starting this fall.  Boiler up! (please don’t mind the drool on my shirt.  I’m working on some more teeth!)

Mama has been thinking about being a professor for a long time and says that seeing me grow is showing her how quickly time is going.  The three of us think its time to go for it!  She is pursuing her PhD in Engineering Education and our family is making the big move to West Lafayette, Indiana.   Daddy is working remotely with his company after the move until October and is looking for good leads for his next gig.  If you know of any great companies in the area please let him know.  Besides being the funniest person I know, I hear he is really good with computers.

I am so excited to be in a college town!  I suggested we all move into a frat house together.  They sound like fun, and Mama makes me giggle when she gets home from work and says, “This place looks like a frat house!” about all of my neat toys that we keep throughout the house along with all of their big people things.  I love toys and I love their big people things so a frat house sounds perfect to me!  I think I could show those college boys a thing about style too.IMG_1976

But Daddy went to check out a house for us over the weekend.  He assured me we can take all of my toys and that we can still take a blanket outside to look at the trees and sky together.  AND he said there is an extra bedroom so we can have our favorite people come stay with us.

Mama and Daddy said that we will go to lots of football and basketball games.  I have been very busy this last month passing a ball back and forth between my hands.  I don’t know if they will want me to play on the team but I am going to try to be ready.

I am so excited to live closer to our family!  I have 4 grandparents, 5 great-grandparents, 2 of my aunts and uncles and lots of extended family a much shorter drive away.  We would love lots of visitors!    

I’ll admit I am having some mixed feelings about the move. IMG_1929I have made lots of friends here in my six months and I’ll be very sad not to see them.  Plus, I hope it will be ok to sport Illini gear at Purdue because I have quite an extensive collection of orange and blue.

We will be very busy these next couple of months.  Classes start in the middle of August, our wonderful Brookside house will be on the market tomorrow,  and we are working on enjoying every last precious minute that we can in Kansas City.  We’ve had some visitors in the last week to help prep for the move.

Grandpa Dave came last week to play.IMG_1950

Grandma Laura and Grandpa Mark came last weekend to play too.IMG_1955IMG_1963

Thanks for reading my first guest post.  I might occasionally contribute to the blog if Mama gets busy with research.