Monthly Archives: December 2017

Happy 5th Birthday, Jack!

Our first baby is 5 today.P10

Jack is so incredibly smart (spoken like any proud parent), and I am impressed with what he seems to soak up from all of his experiences. He asks such well-thought questions, and really wants to understand as many words as he can. He is starting to spell words, and is savvy to any of our attempts to skip words in long books.

He loves his baby brother and does everything he can to make Leo smile and laugh. Along those lines, he has the sweetest heart I know. He loves his cuddles with us every morning before breakfast. He loves sharing things like candy with Audrey (I don’t know that she ever reciprocates!). Today he asked us to guess his favorite person in the family. I think its safe to say that Matt really is number 1 to Jack in everything, but Jack answered that he loves all of us the most and clarified that he wouldn’t want anyone to be sad. He really is just so sweet.P9

Unfortunately, a tender heart with an active imagination means that Jack gets up in the middle of the night more than any of us would like scared. And he jumps up from the couch to cover his eyes at most Disney movies.

He can ride several miles on his bike now (no training wheels) and is FAST! Matt usually runs on foot with Jack, but I have gone a couple of times. He is so encouraging in his genuinely sweet way (Come on, Mommy! Keep practicing and you’ll get faster!). With Matt though, Jack begs for a break. Ha!

Favorites:  Playing cars and trucks, building, history (“what was it like…”), looking handsome (ha!), food (“I just love food”), music (singing and listening), books (avid reader)E2

Dislikes:  alone time (as a first child he really wants me or Matt around his constantly)

Looking forward to:  Christmas and the excitement of Santa this year, (maybe) skiing, spring soccer club, camping (with Matt and Dave).P11

Happy 5th birthday, sweet boy! You are everything we prayed and hoped for!Jack Hospital

Leo is 4 months

The happiest baby I’ve ever met is 4 months old tomorrow! Leo smiles from the moment you tell him “good morning, baby!” until you put him to bed. (Although he is louder and crabbier in the middle of the night).P26Since last month Leo has:

  • Been my date for cousin Kelli’s wedding


  • Made his first trip to Grandma and Grandpa’s in Effingham for Thanksgiving. IMG_1144IMG_1151
  • Relished being the “center” of his siblings’ attention every chance he getsIMG_1177IMG_1171

Leo’s most notable change in the last month is that he rolls both directions, and loves hanging out on his belly. His four month appointment is later on this week, so I’ll make sure to come back and update his stats (I love being able to look back at his trends). He is still in 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. What are we looking forward to in the next month? Seeing Santa (tomorrow!) and celebrating his first Christmas! Jack is going to share Leo’s wishlist to Santa. 🙂IMG_1159