Audrey is 3!

A with CakeSugar and spice completely describes our Audrey. She still wakes up like she did as a baby, with sweet, sleepy cuddles and a sing-song voice. She loves to sit in Matt’s or my lap, and can be very giving with hugs and kisses (when it is her idea). But she has plenty of spice. She knows how to push Jack’s buttons, and in general likes to give the men in our house plenty of sass. 

A in PinkThings that I love about Audrey at three years old:

She and I usually go just the two of us to the grocery store on the weekend. She grabs her purse (and usually a baby) and is so happy to go. I really love this one on one time with her. She has so many interesting things to say, and she is actually really helpful. I hope this will be something we do for awhile. And one of the best parts? On the drive home she never fails to tell me how much fun she had. It is the complete essence of Audrey – She makes everyday activities so much sweeter for me.Princess

I took her for her first haircut at my salon last month. She loved it and has been playing hair salon since then. Matt and I jokingly fight over who gets to go first, because it is so nice to have a quiet “game” with your only responsibility to sit and have your head rubbed. Ha!

She loves to sing, and is (like most little girls her age) pretty theatrical about it. Lots of dancing too.

She and Jack have lots of pretend play, and I love overhearing their little imaginations at work.

She also doles out plenty of spontaneous “I love you” to her brothers.IMG_0616J&A gift

Eat, Sleep, Stats

Audrey is an easy kid to feed. She eats almost everything but she is a little pokey and prefers to eat a bit, get up and do something else, and then come back to it. She has been this way since birth. 😉 She’s a good sleeper too, and is in a toddler bed now. She typically goes to bed around 8pm and sings to herself and flops around for awhile before actually falling asleep and then stays asleep until at least 7. She still takes a good nap most days too. She potty-trained right at 2 and a half years old. And because it was something she wanted to do, she mostly had it down in two focused days at home. If it is her idea, or something she wants to do this little girl can do anything. (Bribery of toenail paining also helps!) And after months of waking up dry, we finally ditched the pull-up at night.A with Baby

As for stats her three year appointment isn’t until next week, but she is mostly in 4t clothing and is long and lean.pjimage

Clearly, I could go on and on about the sweet little girl in our family. We all adore her so much! Happy birthday, dear Audrey! My life is so much sweeter with you!

2 thoughts on “Audrey is 3!

  1. Rosamond McDonel

    Just love these pictures. Audrey looks much like you. Such fun she likes to grocery shop. Sure
    makes the outing so much more fun with a happy companion. Thanks for sharing and Happy 3rd
    Birthday Audrey.


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