7 Month Update

Two days ago, on the 12th, Jack turned 7 months old.  In what feels like the blink of an eye he is now officially closer to the one year mark than he is a newborn.  Boy! Does it really feel like it this week.  In the past 5 or so days he has been breaking out all kinds of tricks including: waving to Matt before leaving to go on a stroller run, feeding himself a fourth of a banana, sitting up in his crib to wait for us to come get him, and half-way pulling himself to standing in a laundry basket.  He is getting much faster at the army crawling and is working on incorporating his knees.  He officially outgrew the laundry basket from the previous monthly photos, plus he doesn’t lay down very long these days.  He is BUSY!

IMG_2284He is such a funny and happy boy.  He babbles quite a bit now – sometimes very high pitched sounding and sometimes he sounds so much like a gremlin its frightening.  He has had two bottom teeth since just after he turned three months and now two top teeth have broken through.  He consistently goes to bed and down for naps while awake and usually pretty calm.  I love our bedtime routine of nursing or a bottle with lots of songs before Matt and I put him in bed, kiss him and tell him we love him and leave.  Watching Jack rub his head after we leave to finalize his own bedtime routine cracks me up.


Likes: Bath time, kisses, music and singing (Itsy Bitsy Spider can make any meltdown disappear), his highchair and eating (he had salmon for the first time last night and loved it), swimming pools

Dislikes:  Getting dressed, seeing Mommy or Daddy leave the room, waiting for his morning oatmeal IMG_2268Check him out standing up with his toy!  You’ll notice my hand in the background nervously waiting for him to fall.  He is amazingly strong!

I thought I would miss him being a “baby” but every month brings so many great new adventures.  So happy to have this little boy in my life!

One thought on “7 Month Update

  1. Katie

    Ohhhhh, he’s getting cuter and cuter by the second!!!!!! I will miss you all 🙁 what great little sprout Jack is. Also, love that he’s a born swimmer 😉 xoxok


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